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Advance Healing Container

Reset, Rejuvenate, Renew

A Personal Healing Voyage to Live Your Best Life

At  times, we just need a little help  along the way...

There comes a moment in our life, when we realise our body is not what it used to be, and we need a little extra help to navigate these challenges.


It may be the build-up of stress over the years, the lack of proper care or nourishment for our body, or perhaps wear and tear from our life that we neglected while chasing our dreams or caring for others.


They have all caught up to this most important vessel we call our body.


It is time for a Reset, so you can rejuvenate your cells and renew your body so it can be in its optimal state as you continue to enjoy

your life experiences to its fullest.

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Reset, Rejuvenate, Renew

Healing Container

Every journey into our well-being begins with a new outlook.


Let us bring you on a new journey and understanding of what dis-ease means and how you can shift from adopting old unsupportive beliefs to embracing new healthy supportive ones so you can heal.


Let us show you a new paradigm of living that is possible and within grasp.


Curated specifically for you, let us embrak on a new adventure into the journey of healing,

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During Your Healing Container

We Work On...

Physical Healing

Any phsyical ailments that you are currently facing - energy, strentgh, pain, diagnosed ailments, diseases, cancer, tumours, stroke, etc. We will support you in finding the root cause of the issue and shift it with new energy and vibrations that will ignite your body's natural ability to heal.

Emotional Healing

Facing illnesses is not just a physical battle, it take a strong emotional capacity to move through it with grace. We support you on dealing with the unseen influences emotional patterns that you may have taken on that is no longer supporting you and to fully release it.

Mental Cognition

What we belief we become, what we think, manifests. It's time to see how your thoughts have created your reality and how to make new adjustments to support a new way of being with the right mindset and supportive loving thoughts.

Life In Balance

When your life is off balance, challenges comes up, blockages appear and we get stuck. Let us help you get back to clarity and be in the flow of life again.

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Your Support Team

Jaime and Sioux 
Not One But Two!

We have over 50 years of experience in energy medicine, shamanic practices, life coaching, spiritual healing, psychotherapy and facilitating change for thousands of people. You will be receiving weekly personalised healing care when you are in this container with us and a monthly call to see what is needed to be addressed as you navigate your new way of being Many have had tremendous positive feedback on their healings after just one session! 



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Before Sioux and Jaime, I took many energy classes, accessed multiple energies, and spent years working on self.


I was blown away by the energetic power in their classes and the powerful clearings.


I experienced many positive changes in mine and my family's lives since, and helped many others with their teachings.


The clearings are often instant and noticeable immediately, unlike the slow subtle changes I was used to.


Post-class support is exceptional!


I look forward to exploring more life changes with StormShine!


Lauren Eaton, Autrailia

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Journey Begins Now...

To accomplish the maximum effectiveness of this work, we highly recommend a minimal healing retainer of 3-month blocks. Remember that more extended and complicated challenges may require more time, and healing depends on a co-creative space between you and your support team.


Every person will be in a sacred healing container with us while we work on you. You will receive weekly clearings and healings a 1.5 hour call before we begin and a monthly call to navigate this journey together.


Have Questions?

Get on a call to find out more! 

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