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Inner Alchemy

Spiritual Coaching & Healing
For Personal Mastery

To Master Your Energy is to
Master Yourself

Inner Alchemy is a customized 1-on-1 immersion focused

on your path to mastery of self.


As you grow and expand, you may find pockets of missing pieces

that is stopping you from living your most optimal life while standing in

your power and dealing with your shadows at the same time.


We often get blindsided by our shadows, unable to see how to move

forward in the right direction. Perhaps you lack clarity or need some tools
you to help you get to the next level of growth.


This is how Inner Alchemy can support your journey.


Because someone else can better identify your shadow, your patterns

and put things into perspective. We will show you the path so you can

move on graciously into expansion while having cheerleaders by your



Discover your true nature, accept yourself, express your light and

attract from the highest, most aligned, and most powerful version of



This immersive experience will give you all you need to align your

thoughts, actions, and behavior to create an authentic, meaningful life

on this earth.


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An Outline of

What We Will Create Together

And More.


Discover Who You Are

To create change is to know what we want and what is standing in the way. Get crystal clear on where you are at now and where you want to go.


Knowing Your Inner Landscape

We use different tools from chinese to western astrology, archetypes, your human template to help identify the energies you are born with, so you can unleashed full potential, with the right timing, get aligned with your purpose and what you want to create in your life. All as a compass to navigate and align your Light.


Clearing Space

As we empty, we can create. We will be conducting a massive clearing

of trauma, stagnation, healing of old wounds and energy blocks

from past, present, parallel universes, karmic, curses, vows,

cords - its deep soul cleaning!


Renew Behaviours

Instead of defaulting to auto-pilot reactions or behaviours, or destructive self-sabotage, we renew the way you typically react and anchor in a new way of being so you can recognise when you do it and how to course correct so you can maintain it because permanent change needs time to be anchored in. 


Rewire Patterns

Our beliefs shape our subconcious and influence our behaviour. We will dive into what patterns you hold and how to shift them deep within the DNA so you can finally feel the shift effortlessly


Deepen Connections

Vital work on making all our relationships work, including learning how to behave with others, teaching others how to relate to the new you, and standing in your power without needing to adjust to another.  How to communicate, set boundaries, find and create a new healthy dynamic in all your relationships, including your relationship with the Divine, Yourself, your partner, your work, cash, friends and more. All meaningful relationships begin with YOU.


Aligned Manifestor

Whatever you want to create, we will manifest it together. As you learn how to do this, you too can recreate this for any aspect of your life and become a powerful magnet and manifest your life into being on all levels - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Material. 


Tools For Inner Mastery 

Customised to your needs, you will be given tools you need to continue down the path to self-mastery and beyond. These tools will support you to grow and

continue to shift in your life aligned to your true purpose.

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Quantum Uplevel

Inner Alchemy

Beyond our scheduled session time together,  you'll be in a one-on one coaching and mentorship program energetic container that is customized for you.  This includes dream time night school to help you uplevel your life.

Whether you've been doing "the work" for years or are just beginning a self-discovery journey, you'll be met exactly where you are and guided to uplevel in every area of your life.

As you shift and grow so does the work we do  -  each step of the way, we navigate based on where you are where you are headed to so you can get the best out of our time together.

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Your Support Team

Jaime and Sioux 
Not One But Two!

We have over 50 years of experience in energy medicine, shamanic practices, life coaching, spiritual healing, psychotherapy and facilitating change for thousands of people. You will be receiving weekly personalised healing care when you are in this container with us and a weekly call to see what is needed to be addressed as you navigate your new way of being Many have had tremendous positive feedback on their healings after just one session! 



Being Held in Sacred Space

A rewarding journey for Christian as we worked through tp upgrade his energy and heal hidden aspects of self that he was not able to tap into in a supportive container. 


This was conducted over zoom and in person VIP days.


Frequently Asked Questions

Our Promise

Inner Alchemey is a unique life-changing experience and we are committed to go ALL-IN with you.


We will support you in being intentional, hold your hand when you feel afraid, push you lovingly in the right direction and lead you to a place where you can step into your full power and thrive.


We will be Authentic.

We will Challenge You.

We will be Your Biggest Cheerleader.


Take the leap of faith in yourself and get ready to uplevel your life.

Become Your
Own Best

You Will Get:

  • Personalised intuitive healing coaching sessions
  • Telegram Support (Tuesday - Sunday) 
  • Curated Self-Awareness Tools for personal growth
  • Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, material healing, alignment & upgrading
  • Tons of energetic self-care routines to nurture your new being 
  • Guided intuitive development and integration
  • Mastery of your own light in a purposeful way
  • Resources to support your growth
  • Lifetime access to specific online courses, tools, and techniques customized and taught to you so you can continue in your transformative journey 

Ready to Apply?

Get on a free call to find
if this is for you and how we can help

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